A Message from the Principal.
On behalf of the Merrivale Primary School community, it is my pleasure to welcome all families and students to our school.
When you enrol your children at Merrivale Primary School you become part of a unique small school community, where relationships and partnerships are vital in all aspects of school life.
This partnership between our dedicated staff and parents is key if we are to ensure each child receives the best possible learning opportunities and education.
The school values of Respect, Honesty, Kindness and Gratitude are a key element of our learning culture and interactions between staff, parents and students.
A quality education is built on authentic learning experiences and positive relationships between all adults around the learner (student), be it their teacher, principal, support staff, parent or grandparent and extended family.
At Merrivale learning is personalised and designed to harness student’s interests and talents. Specialist programs include STEM, Visual Arts, Music and Sport & Physical Education.
The school has an active relationships with a range of community groups and organisations. We offer camps, excursions and incursions. Students participate in a wide range of inter-school sports events and extra curricular experiences.
Communication is key and I am a big believer is making sure this happens in a clear and relevant manner so all families are updated and know what’s happening. All staff are very approachable and are here to support and answer any questions you may have.
Our School Prospectus may answers some of your questions and covers the many programs we offer.
I truly believe in the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and that we are all part of that village. Working together as a team we can ensure; every child, has every opportunity to thrive and receive the best possible education here at Merrivale Primary School.
By all means, if you have any questions, please get in contact with us.
Kind Regards
Simon Perry